A warm Fall evening welcomed leaders from the Boston Archdiocese prayer groups to their monthly meeting a Saint Mary Church in Waltham.

The evening opened with a lively praise session led by Janice Filippi, Diane Colgan, and Roque Pena. Charismatic Renewal Services Boston Director Romanus Ajaero welcomed everyone and urged all to invite people to the September 28 Fall Conference. He requested that we dedicate three Fridays (September 13, 20, and 27) to prayer and fasting for the success of the conference. And he urged all to wear the conference T shirts so that there would be a sea of red. 

The group then divided into the ethnic language breakout sessions (English, Spanish, and Portuguese) for detailed business discussions.

The English breakout group included members of the Cameroonian, Chelmsford, Everett, Medway, Nigerian, and Vietnamese communities. The first order of business in the English group was to elect Louise Larose to fill the open CRSB council position left by retiring member Mike Marraffino. Diane Colgan reviewed details of the conference for the rest of the session. Points emphasized were

  • Have prayer group members work harder to draw people into the conference.
  • Each prayer group should contribute two cases of water and two cases of soda for sale at the conference.
  • The Media ministry will contact The Pilot about having the conference covered.
  • Romanus showed a conference promotion video on his cell phone.

Here are some photos of the assembly by Romanus Ajaero, Mike Marraffino, and Juan Zapata.

(Click on photos to enlarge.)



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