Invitation to Growth in the Spirit

Pope Benedict said that, if we are not moving forward, we are moving backward.

“Never stand still,” Pope Francis urged. “Never stop moving forward.”

In response to recent popes’ statements calling us to continue to move forward in our spiritual lives, the evangelization and formation team has been presenting and facilitating in a series of classes/workshops entitled, Growth in the Spirit. Our present series, Baptized in the Spirit - The Call to Battle, is already underway. Feedback from the participants has been very good. They are enjoying all the different aspects of each session. It is not too late to join us as we open ourselves up to be trained, encouraged and sent out by the Spirit as He calls us to use the amazing gifts He has given us to work with Jesus as He builds His kingdom. Ask yourself: Is He calling me to this program so I can continue to grow? And is He also calling me to share so others can grow?

In this series, using the scriptures, we have been exploring together the meaning of “baptism in the spirit” - what it is, who it’s for, what it’s for and how to respond to it. We will be identifying 3 important aspects of Jesus’ ministry and how we are called to continue His work. We grow as we open ourselves up to using our gifts and all our opportunities to spread the Good News and advance the Kingdom of God. This is truly living in the Spirit.

Our class sessions combine short teacher-led topics, interactive group activities and collaborative learning experiences. All class members are active participants since all have valuable ideas and experiences to share as well as thought-provoking questions to ask.

Classes continue to be held on the 3rd Saturday of the month with the exception of April. The April date is April 12. We meet from 9:00 – noon at St. Jude School, 147 Main St. Waltham. We ask you to consider a donation of $10 each class. This money is used to give a stipend to St. Jude Parish and to defray the cost of snacks and materials.

Coffee and snacks are served at 9:00 as we gather for fellowship. Sessions begin at 9:30 by inviting the Lord to be with us through praise and worship, followed by time given to listening to the Lord. In addition to

delving into the topic of the day, we also spend time praying for each other.

If you have experienced a Life In the Spirit seminar, whether recently or many years ago, these growth sessions are for you! If you have been walking in the Spirit for one day or for decades, prayerfully consider joining us as we continue to journey forward. The Lord has more for you! And He has placed within you His Light for you to share with us as well as with others.

Please join us on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 9:00 to noon at Saint Jude’s in Waltham. We meet in the school hall. Enter through the door in the back. And bring someone else who desires to continue to move forward as our popes have called us.

CRSBoston Evangelization and Formation Team


2024 Meetings: The Third Saturday of the Month Starting in October.

Invitation to the Baptized In the Spirit series

The Evangelization-Formation team is preparing for the 2024-25 growth season. Those who attended the Basic Christian Maturity series last year will have the opportunity to begin the next level, titled: Baptized in the Spirit – The Call to Battle.

In this series, using the scriptures, we will explore together the meaning of “baptism in the spirit” - who it’s for, what it’s for and how to respond to it. We will identify 3 important aspects of Jesus’ ministry and how we are to carry them out. This is an important foundation for living life in the spirit.

Each class session combines short teacher-led instruction, interactive group activities and collaborative learning experiences. All class members are active participants since all have valuable ideas and experiences to share as well as thought-provoking questions to ask.

Classes start on the 3rd Saturday of the month beginning October 19th 9:00 – Noon at St. Jude School, 147 Main St. Waltham

Coffee will be served for early arrivers and light snacks will also be available during the mid-morning break. Sessions begin with praise and worship, and inviting the Lord to be with us, followed by time given to listening to the Lord.

If you have experienced a Life In the Spirit seminar, whether recently or many years ago, these growth sessions are for you!

Please come... and bring someone!


[INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTE: If we must cancel the in-person meeting due to weather, we will hold the confrence via zoom over our computers, smart phones, and eletronic devices. A link to the Zoom session will be emailed to all on the Growth In The Spirit email list. You must have the Zoom application on your device and access to the internet to attend an alternate Zoom session.]

 Read about previous Sessions:

September 2023-Loving God

October 2023-Christian Love

The National Service Committee and the Fransiscan University of Steubenville presented a web based conference on December 11 amd 12. 2020.

You can view videos of the different Jesus 2020 sessions.

Just put this adddress into your web browser:

You will be presented with a pull-down menu. Click arrow to open the menu and click on the session you want to view.



Here are guides to the content of of the session videos.

You can advance the video to the time code of a feature you want to see.


Links to the Jesus 2020 Conference Workshops are shown at the bottom of this list.

Friday Evening Session  

00 - 12:05 Repeating Video Loop  

12:05 - 21:09 John Beaulieu and Alicia Hartle - Welcome

Repeating Loop

26:20 -  31:04  Praise 

31:04  -  33:40 John and Alicia - Welcome

33:40 - 56:18  Praise 

56:18 - 57:20  John - Intro 

57-20 - 1:18-05 Father Dave Pivonka TOR, President of Steubenville University

1:18:05 - 1:23:57 Reflection Song

1:23:57 - 1:26:58  Alicia and John - Encouragement

1:26:58 - 1:30:17  Praise

1:30:17 - 1:33:00  Word gifts   

1:33:01 - 1:48:00  Commitment song and praise

1:48:00 -  1:51:08  Word Gifts   

1:51:15 - 1:54:40 Worship songs

1:54:40 -1:57:14  Alicia Invitation to Intercede for one another

1:57:14 - 2:09:56 Father Dave Pivonka Overcoming Separation, Recollection, blessing

2:09:56 -  Closing 

Saturday Session 1 Part 1

00 - 12:40 Repeating Video Loop  

12:41 -  22:54  Praise songs (no sound in beginning) 

13:23 - 1:12:33  Mass

1:12:35 - 1:27:02  John Beaulieu and Alicia Hartle Welcome with Mary Bielski and Peter Herbeck  - Witness

1:27:02 - 1;32:40 Praise and worship 

1:32:40 - 1:37:12  John and Alicia - A transformational year

1:37:12 - 1:44:05  Praise and worship 

1:44:05 - 1:45:44 Word gift

1:45:44 - 1:54:29  Praise and worship

1:54:29 - 2:3:50   Peter Herbeck -  This Unique Moment (missing some sound)

Saturday Session 1 Part 2

00 - 7:43 Peter Herbeck talk continues   (Missing sound to 00:26) 

 7:43 - 19:15 Mary Bielski 

19:15 - 26:49  Praise and worship 

26:49 - 29:22 John and Alicia  Stir up this Spirit

29:22 - 40:10 Praise for anointing, word gifts

40:10 - end Announcements and Break

Saturday Session 2

00 - 00:23 Blank

00:25 -  1:54  Alicia Hartle introducing Bishop Peter Smith   

01:57 -  24:56  Bishop Peter Smith - The CHARIS Commission
(also on YouTube at:

23:56 -  23:25  Alicia Hartle  Introduction to Scott Hahn

23:24 -  53:42 Scott Hahn - The Truth, Power, Life in the Holy Spirit  

55:50 -  1:09:00  John, Scott, Alicia answer questions from the viewers

Saturday Panel Discussions

00 - 13:12  Repeating Loop  

13:12 - 16:49 Alicia and John -  Introduction and witness

16:49 - 27:42  Walter Matthews and Father Dave Pivonka 'TOR  

27:43 - 1:18:03  Panel Discussion with Matt Lozano Director of Training Heart of the Father Ministries, Peter Mallampally Seminarian and Opus Novum - Catholic Charismatic Renewal Cofounder, Sister Marie Fidelis Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and Ark and Dove Director, Lauren Koath Vagabond Missions

Saturday Session 3

00 - 03:05 Silent

03:05 - 06:30 Praise

06:30 - 21:20  Ronald Riggins  Chairman of the NSC Board - Walter and Claire Matthews Tribute Video 

21:30 - 31:14   Ron Riggins and NSC board Members -  Reflection about Walter and Blessing

31:14 - 41:25  Walter Matthews - Retirement Reflections

41:30 - 51:48  Alicia Hartle  Installation as Pentecost Today USA Director

52:15 - 1:01:48  Alicia - Acceptance and Vision

1:01:48 - 1:23:59 Jim Beckman - Mission Challenge

1:23:60 - 1:51:40  Praise  and Adoration

1:59:42 - 1:09:45 closing Remarks and Praise 

Saturday Evening  Night of Hope Live-Stream

00 - 13:15 Franciscan University Introduction

12:20 - Praise

19:52 - 28:47 Peter Herbeck Introduction to Evening

28:478 - 19:52 Praise

 38:17 -  1:01:22  Mary Bielski - Mary Our Hope

1:01:22 - Praise

1:04:50 - 1:08:05  Peter Herbeck  - Reflection

1:08:05  -1:40:16  Praise and Exposition

1:40:16  - Praise word and empowerment prayer

1:57:02 - 2:07:43  Mark Joseph Witness

2:07:43 - 2:10:46 Father Dave Pivonka TOR Concluding Remarks




Saturday Evening  Night of Hope Livestream

00 - 13:15 Franciscan Univsersity Introducton

12:20 -   Praise

19:52 - 28:47 Peter Herbeck Introduction to Evening

28:478 - 19:52 Praise

 38:17 -  1:01:22  Mary Bielski -= Mary Our Hope

1:01:22 - Praise

1:04:50 - 1:08:05  Peter Herbeck  Reflection

1:08:05     -  1:40:16  Praise and Exposition

1:40:16   -    Praise word and empowerment prayer

1:57:02 - 2:07:43  Mark Joseph Witness

2:07:43  -  2:10:46 Father Dave Pivonka TOR Concluding Remareks

2:10:46  Praise


Panel Discussion Links

Matt Lozano  - Unity In The Holy Spirit


Lauren Koath - Serving the Poor


Peter Mallampalli - Signal Fire


Sister Marie Fidelis DLJC - History of the Renewal


Bishop Peter Smith - The CHARIS Commission


Matt Maher - Embracing Ecumenism


Father Anthony Ouellette  - Hierarchal Support for Renewal


Father Bonavice OSB - Charismatic Prayer




Holy Spirit Institute of Boston (HSIB), one of CRS Boston's 3 schools of formation, was formed

in response to calls from Pope Saint John Paul, Pope Benedict and America's bishops for

ecclesial maturity. HSIB and its courses were developed by the Charismatic Renewal Office of

the Archdiocese of Boston and were established to be a pathway to spiritual maturity in the

charismatic life.

Read more: Holy Spirit Institute of Boston
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66 Brooks Drive
Braintree, MA
United States
781 333-5308