Invitation to Growth in the Spirit
Pope Benedict said that, if we are not moving forward, we are moving backward.
“Never stand still,” Pope Francis urged. “Never stop moving forward.”
In response to recent popes’ statements calling us to continue to move forward in our spiritual lives, the evangelization and formation team has been presenting and facilitating in a series of classes/workshops entitled, Growth in the Spirit. Our present series, Baptized in the Spirit - The Call to Battle, is already underway. Feedback from the participants has been very good. They are enjoying all the different aspects of each session. It is not too late to join us as we open ourselves up to be trained, encouraged and sent out by the Spirit as He calls us to use the amazing gifts He has given us to work with Jesus as He builds His kingdom. Ask yourself: Is He calling me to this program so I can continue to grow? And is He also calling me to share so others can grow?
In this series, using the scriptures, we have been exploring together the meaning of “baptism in the spirit” - what it is, who it’s for, what it’s for and how to respond to it. We will be identifying 3 important aspects of Jesus’ ministry and how we are called to continue His work. We grow as we open ourselves up to using our gifts and all our opportunities to spread the Good News and advance the Kingdom of God. This is truly living in the Spirit.
Our class sessions combine short teacher-led topics, interactive group activities and collaborative learning experiences. All class members are active participants since all have valuable ideas and experiences to share as well as thought-provoking questions to ask.
Classes continue to be held on the 3rd Saturday of the month with the exception of April. The April date is April 12. We meet from 9:00 – noon at St. Jude School, 147 Main St. Waltham. We ask you to consider a donation of $10 each class. This money is used to give a stipend to St. Jude Parish and to defray the cost of snacks and materials.
Coffee and snacks are served at 9:00 as we gather for fellowship. Sessions begin at 9:30 by inviting the Lord to be with us through praise and worship, followed by time given to listening to the Lord. In addition to
delving into the topic of the day, we also spend time praying for each other.
If you have experienced a Life In the Spirit seminar, whether recently or many years ago, these growth sessions are for you! If you have been walking in the Spirit for one day or for decades, prayerfully consider joining us as we continue to journey forward. The Lord has more for you! And He has placed within you His Light for you to share with us as well as with others.
Please join us on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 9:00 to noon at Saint Jude’s in Waltham. We meet in the school hall. Enter through the door in the back. And bring someone else who desires to continue to move forward as our popes have called us.
CRSBoston Evangelization and Formation Team