It was a beautiful New England September day when 700 Boston area prayer group members gathered at St. Stephen's Church in Framingham to seek more of God's Holy Spirit in their lives. 

Our morning began with a joyful time of praise thanking God for the gift of his Holy Spirit. Roque Peña, Maria Peña, Juan Morales, Angie Recino, and Angela Sime formed the music ministry along with translator Wendy Rodriguez Majia leading the praise in English and Spanish. 

Monsignor Joseph Malagreca joined in the time of praise and the presented two talks inviting us to dive more deeply into the scriptures explaining the Spirit's gifts; 1 Coninthians 12, 13, 14; Romanss 12; and Ephesians 4.

St. Stephen's Pastor, Father Paco Anzoategui gave the morning Spanish language track teaching to more than 500 people in the parish gym.

A wonderful lunch of chicken and beef pot pies was provided to all. Chef Guido Guesada's team is to be thanked for feeding our bodies while God was feeding our souls. 

After lunch monsignor Malagreca led all in a time of Eucharistic adodration and healing prayer.

Then we separated for for the final English and Spanish language track talks. Father Mike McNamara challanged the English track community to be able to invite a person to follow Christ by using understandable language. 

Monsignor Malagreca presided at the closing Mass assisted by Fathers McNamara, and Paco and three deacons.

The General Intercessions of the Mass were voiced in the many languages of the Boston charismatic prayer groups present:

English:  Catherine Duggan
Brazilians:  Laudilei Vieira
Cameroonians:  Cecilia Fonge
Haitians:  Jessie Pierre-Louis
Hispanics:  Amarylis Desir 
Nigerians:  Michael Ihionu
Ugandans:  Julie Bruce
Vietnamese:  Ann C. Moore
Word Gifts during the conference were discerned and delivered by Louise Larose, Linda Javorski, Chris Muise, and Gayle Benson
People from Boston area parishes, prayer groups, and faith building programs such as Encounter were motivated to attend the conference. Our CRS Boston roving reporter, Dianne Young obtained these comments from people arriving at the Congress:
Christine Peña from All Saints, Haverhill said, "I just love the Charismatic group! I am in love with the Lord. I want to get to know and receive more from the Lord to help others, and do remarkable things for God's glory."
Mike and Eileen DelVecchio from St. Patrick's Natick reported that they  were "attending to be with a community of believers, receive great teachings, praise, and worship. To receive more of the Holy Spirit."
Nabby Perez from St. Stephen's, Framingham explained, "My god mother suggested I come to the conference. I hope to learn more about God."
Ed Shaffer from Pepperell said, "I am attending because a friend suggested I attend the confrence. I am looking to get an understanding of what CRS is about. I have a desire to grow in the Spirit."
Many came to help with the conference. Hector Saint Hilaire explained, "I am here to help with th confrence. my wife and children are also helping. With every project we do, God opens a door for the family because we pray together."
Linda Manganrol from St. Stephen's Monday prayer group assured, "I am here to join other Charismatic people and be with the Holy Spirit. Hoping to receive all the gifts of the Spirit."
Catherine Duggan from St. Patrick's Nashua, NH is the editor of the web site and a member of the North Chelmsford prayer group. She explained, "I am here to help the speakers and the community. I hope to get good information and a renewed spirit. I am greatful for the organizers for putting in so much time."
Mary Ann Nowak from Millis explained that she is taking care of her sick husband, but she also needs to be fed. She felt confirmation of her dicision to attend when Jesus in the monstrance passed close by her during the healing service.
Becky from St. Mary's Uxbridge heard about the conference from a friend and she wanted to experience what it is. At the end of the closing Mass Becky was all smiles and very happy she attended the conference.

Here are some photos from the day by Mike Marraffino, Mary Ann Nowak, Romanus Ajaero, and Giovanni Rodriguez.

If you would like to add some of your photos to this collection, please eimail to 

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Facebook members can view photos from the Hispanic community at

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