Charismatic prayer groups in the Boston Archdiocese packed Boston College High School for their annual conference on September 14, 2019. The day was sponsored by Charismatic Renewal Services Boston (CRS Boston). Five hundred people from seven ethnic groups were represented: American, Hispanic, Brazilian, Haitian, Vietnamese, Ugandan, and Nigerian.

Wendy Rodriguez Mejia acted as MC, praise leader, and translator for the genearal sessions. Separate English and Spanish language tracks were offered to provide extensive teaching. 

R. Kevin Dodge, the keynote speaker for the general session, shared his miraculous conversion from a  hardened criminal to a PhD Christian evangelist while in prison. He also appeared at the English language track to answer people's quesitons about prison life and how he was converted. 

Father Francisco Anzoategui, better know as Father Paco, taught at the Spanish language track. Father Roberrt Carr spoke at the English track. A video clip of Father Carr preaching about the importance of us bringing people to salvation with love can be viewed on (

Several times during the day the word gift ministry shared messages or affirmation and exhortation they sensed the Lord was spaking. These messages can be viewed on this web site's Blog:  2019 Fall Conference Word Gifts  

In the afternoon several people shared how they were moved by R. Kevin Dodge's witness and said it gave them hope for situations they are facing. 

A video of conference people and activities can be viewed at

Fahter Rober Carr presided at the closing Mass with Father Paco concelebrating and Deacon Edouardo Mora assisting. 

Many people shopped at the five vendor tables. Newly purchased religious articles were blessed a the closing Mass.

During the closeing Mass new members of the CRS Boston council were installed and prayed for. David Brooks was installed as the new Director or CRS Boston, replacing Janice Fillipe who has served as Director for five years. The new council members are: Hispanic Community: replacing Roque and Maria Pena: Elias Lemus and Bruny Ruiz; Haitian Community: replacing Michaelle Sylvestre: Markens Nazaire; Replacing Brazilian ELT leader Leila Andrade: Valeria Almeida. 

The following people and their committees are to be commended for organizing an excellent conference.

Coordinators: Ralph Ilona and Janice Filippi (Floor coordinator)

Greeters and Facility: Michaelle Sylvestre

Catering: Edson Mendonca

Water, soda and flowers: Anne Moore and Therese Pham

Liturgy: Manuel Najarro and David Brooks

Music: Roque Pena

Vendors, registration, treasury: Linda Willett

Adoration: Romanus Ajaero

CRS Info Table: Walter Rossini

Confessions: Fr. Carr and Fr. Mike McNamara

Sound: George Willett and Roque Pena

Word Gift: Jerri Lou Buffo, Chris Muise and team members

MC: Wendy Rodriguez

Session coordinator: Felix Janson


The following are snapshots of day.

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