On Saturday, March 30th, a much anticipated “Day of Reflection” was held at Betania II in Medway. Praise & Worship and mutual prayer set the tone for the day. The purpose of the day was to pray for discernment of what committed outreach might be adopted by the Boston Renewal. A personal witness described the power of active community outreach.
After this, about 30 people gathered to sit before the Blessed Sacrament seeking the Lord’s guidance on what type of community outreach should be considered by the Boston Charismatic Renewal. This was followed by small group sharing on what each person discerned during prayer. Finally, each small group shared the topics of discussion that arose in their group. There was animated discussion about what had been presented and a final sending forth in prayer to continue to seek the Lord.
The results will be collected into a report to be offered to the CRSB Council for further prayer and discernment. It was an amazing day which we hope was the first of many days of communally seeking God’s guidance for the Boston renewal.
The following are photos of the gathering during the day's events.
(You can click on an image to enlarge it and drag the enlarged image to your desktop if you would like a copy.)