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Healing Service - North Reading
Wednesday, December 06, 2017, 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 257
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Saint Theresa Church

63 Winter Street

North Reading, MA  01864


Eucharistic Adoration with the   Rosary


A powerful and inspirational testimony with

Colleen & John Willard


                                          Healing Service

                                  with Fr. Thomas Reilly & Colleen Willard

Colleen and John share with us their anointed testimony that has been received at many parishes, conferences and Marian groups, radio and TV throughout the world witnessing to the

“Great Mercy of God and His Healing Presence of Jesus

in the Holy Eucharist.”

Journey with Colleen and John as they share the unfolding events in their family life after Colleen was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and in pain for 24 hours a day.  It is a talk that will bring a profound awareness to the fruits of suffering and joy in carrying the cross.

You will be captivated to hear the movements of the Holy Spirit and   Our Blessed Mother’s intercession as they were led to take a pilgrimage where Colleen was then physically healed by Jesus upon receiving the Holy Eucharist.          

for more information call 978 664 3412

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