The healing ministry of Charismatic Renewal Services of the Archdiocese of Boston (CRSB) held a healing service at Fatima Shrine in Holliston, Massachusetts Saturday evening, August 19, 2017.
Janice Fillippi, Director of CRSB, introduced the program and Romanus Ajaero, head of the CRSB Healing Ministry, spoke about the healinq power that Jesus granted his followers through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Guido Guesada translated the talks for the hispanic people attending.
Five prayer teams offered prayer by laying on of hands to people seeking prayer for themselves or on behalf of others. Prayer team members from CRSB hispanic, Nigerian, Ugandan, and American prayer groups have undergone a process of formation in healing ministry.
The Everett prayer group offered praise and quiet reflective music throughout the evening. Members of the Vision of Peace Prayer Group, which rmeets at the Shrine on Wednesday evenings facilitated the service.