General Assembly - Morning
1. “Rejoice, Rejoice oh My people! Your days of gloom and sadness are coming to an end. The dark clouds, which have overshadowed you, shall soon pass, for the time of your deliverance is near. Fling open the shutters and doors and let My light shine in! Fear, oppression, and anxiety are fleeing out ahead of the Lion of Judah, for they have heard My roar, and felt My footstep  on this land. I will rid this land of her enemies and My children shall once more enjoy peace, freedom, and prosperity. Live these days in joyful hope and expectation, in the fulfillment of My promises!
2. Matt 25: 1-13 Bridesmaids and Lanterns with Oil  “My holy sons and daughters, I have called each of you by name to be here, to be anointed and blessed, in new ways, by the power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in your heart. Are your lanterns ready and filled with oil? Your heart is your lantern! The oil is My love, My personal love for you as you open your heart and receive My words, the words, I will speak into your hearts this day. My words will heal you and set you free, when you surrender your brokenness to Me. Listen for My voice, like a gentle wind. Let My words seep into your heart and fill you to overflowing with oil, My love. Then, I will use you to capture more hearts for Me, so their lanterns, their hearts overflow with My love.”
3. “My people, surrender all your needs, hopes, and fears to Me, your plans and all you hold dear. For I have a plan for your lives. I see you; I know you; I call you beyond your worries and fears to a higher place in Me. Seek Me while I may be found. I am the one who heals you. I am the one who stays.”
4. Vision:  I picture darkness and two hands are coming out of the darkness and grab the ankles of a young woman. She is being dragged into the darkness. She is standing in the light near Jesus. She grabs on to Jesus and He takes both her arms and pulls her firmly into the light.
“Grab on to Jesus! The darkness is the way of the world. The darkness brings, fear, anxiety, and death. The light brings you hope, peace, and everlasting life. Grab on to Jesus! Let Him pull you firmly into the light!”

Afternoon Talk – English Speaking
Vision:  A man is in the center of a dark room with shackles on his legs. Someone starts using an ax to break the chains. As each chain breaks light comes more and more into the room. When all the chains are broken, he realizes that Jesus is standing in front of him.
“Traitors, serpents, demons. Traitors, serpents, and demons are people, places, and things that encourage us to sin. Jesus breaks those chains.”
General Assembly – Afternoon
1. “I have come down for My bride. I find My bride sleeping, so I gently wake her up. She doesn’t recognize Me. I speak her name and My voice touches her heart. I wash away her sins in My precious blood. Then I release My Holy Spirit on My bride; then on all flesh to renew the face of the earth. This is the hour.”
2. Vision: I see a small ball of fire rolling through the streets and houses. As it rolls, it grows in size and intensity. It is the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Poem: Little fire rolling by; Come to me is my heart’s cry; I’ve grown so cold in recent days; I must return to sing your praise! Holy Spirit pure and true; My heart longs for more of you; A hunger builds inside of me; for perfect love to set me free!
Acts 18:6 – And when Paul laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.
3. “The blood will never lose its power. Do you believe this, My children? Claim the blood of Jesus over your lives, your home, and your circumstances. You have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Walk in the power and authority that I have given you! Power to heal, power to drive out the enemy, power to declare and decree what is not, as though it were. Stand in the authority that I have given you. Your enemy has already been defeated. You are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb!”
4. “I have called you here, My precious children to resurrect your lives, to renew your minds and hearts with MY wisdom, not the wisdom of the world. There is a battle raging for your soul! Keep your eyes focused on Me!”                       Ephesians 6:10-17 – The Full Armor of Christ